Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Sunday

Yes- I know- it's Thursday night- and that Easter was in fact nearly 5 days ago- but better late than never, right????? C'mon- please say I'm forgiving..... Thanks! :)

I think part of the reason I stalled on these- is that I was totally frustrated that things happen at such a crazy, break-neck speed on Easter when we all meet up for brunch at Anthony's in downtown Kirkland. And you are in and out so quickly- not a lot of lounging happening.

And it was pouring buckets of rain- so my only real option to snap a couple of pix of the girls in their pretty dresses was in the busy foyer before any breakfast made it's way onto their chins or dresses........

And that security glass- it's not really what I would call a perfect background. I had a plan- I was going to set up the studio in the garage- but the kids were out of their dresses and into sweats about as fast as.... well- danged quick- that's for sure!

And I had to get moving on the food for later in the afternoon- lots of prep work... so it is what it is- there are some fun quick pix- and they are smiles and pretty dresses and our silly girls together having a good giggle. I guess I just need to smile and take things as they come, huh? I'm working on that- I really am......

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