Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bluest eyes I've ever seen......

This a senior photo from a few years ago.... and I've known this girl- (who is now a gorgeous woman) and her family, for most of her young life.

And NOW- I get to photograph her wedding this weekend!!!! I'm so excited!!!!! (and so sad... this means irrevocably- that I'm getting old..... sniff-sniff.....)

I went back to peek at her photos so I could map the topography of her face- remember what features I want to showcase... research- it's the benefit to following families over the years. :)

And once again- I know you're all shocked to hear me say this... but it's those eyes- and those freckles- on porcelain skin and silken hair..... she's gonna make a stunning bride!

So- stay tuned for the barrage of photos from this weekends travels.

'Til then- TTFN xoox Didi

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