Thursday, December 4, 2008

A call to help-

I have received yet another fundraiser packet in the kids' backpacks recently. (we do a great deal of PTA related fundraising here) But I feel compelled to spread the word and see if we can help out a bit.

In October of this year- right as the school year was getting back into a routine- our school was side-swiped- literally. Our beloved Mr. Hodge was involved in a horrific auto accident. (vehicle vs side dumper double dump truck....)

Mr. (Brad) Hodge is the kids' PE teacher- and everyone, including the parents love the guy! When he was called to active duty over the last couple of years- the kids lamented and counted the days until he was back. (how often can you say that about your teacher, huh?)

So far he's had several surgeries to the left side of his body and a partial amputation of his left leg. This is devastating- especially for a PE teacher!!!!

The kids are doing a "Jump Rope for Mr. Hodge jump-a-thon". All proceeds are going directly to Mr. Hodge to help cover medical expenses and daily living not covered by insurance and his prosthetic device. The PTA and school families would like to also help out with building a wheel chair ramp and to modify his bathroom to be wheel chair accessible.

The kids will be collecting a flat rate donation and will jump rope for their entire PE sessions during the week of December 15-19th.

If you think you might be able to pitch in and help out a beloved young teacher- please email me or call me and I can get you more details.

Happy holidays- xoox D

1 comment:

carrie said...

Sending positive thoughts for Mr. Hodges recovery! :)