Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A good day indeed.....

Hey gang- since I had today off- I went down and visited with Mom Miles and G’ma Bea for 3 hours. My husband's G'ma Beatrice is 96+ years old- she's just beautiful! And she is so sharp for her age- and look at this face- there's hardly a wrinkle- crazy!!!!!

I teased her that she’s always saying she doesn’t have a story to tell- but that I begged to differ as I plopped down the 14 page manuscript of her life this far!

I have come home with another 10 pages of handwritten notes and several old 1950’s photographs!!! (Great Aunty Gertrude, Bonnie Cleo and Gert’s son LaDell and friends from college- same age/time frame as Daddy John)

I took Bea a copy of the text that I have written based on her stories relayed to me over the years, in large print so that she can see what I’m attempting to do. We had a great visit today- and she seems excited- she is going to look for more photos for me.

AND…. She let me take some photos of her today- AND… she even smiled for me!!!!! (This is HUGE.....) It has been a good day indeed!

Estella just phoned to say that Bea is still smiling about our visit today. Me too!

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