Thursday, January 28, 2010

Double Digits

Where does the time go?
My beautiful girl who's just born it seems- was gifted to me 10 years ago today- my perfect angel baby- is today- a TWEEN!!!!! "Double digits mom...."
Excuse me while I get a little mushy here...... sniff-sniff.... Oni opened up her gifts and got some loves from her baby sister. We made pancake shapes- and I even got creative and made shapes that held a fried egg in the middle... oh- it was cool- unfortunately- i was flipping pancakes so fast this morning- that I failed to get a photo of how cool those look- but I'm sure you can imagine them... :) And then we had to rush off to school with classroom treats in hand and go on with our day.
I am so very ridiculously proud of my kids- beautiful- smart, athletic, artsy and above all- caring and sweet. I love them with every fiber of my being.... I never really understood how much my mom loved me- till I had my own daughters.... and now I get it- times 2!

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