Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nothing fits like family

***There used to be a sign that hung on my mom's desk that said, "The hurrier I go-the behinder I get!"  ***
No statement seems more appropriate to my life lately.....
I am crazy late in posting a sneak peek for my friend Kristy and her wonderful family {sorry guys!}
They finally had everyone in one spot for her dad's landmark birthday from as far away as Costa Rica! 
{you'd never believe me if I told you his age!!!!}   
It was the perfect opportunity to have me tag along for a little wine & pic-nic and play time at the beach.
We had a few posed group shots but it was more about just journaling their time together in the sun.

"Life isn't about the number of breaths we take- but the ones that take our breath away...."

Enjoy your times together and snap a few pix to remind you just how glorious those days in the sun were when the rain comes down.
Thanks for having me join you guys!
xoxo Didi V.

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