Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's a twin thing....

What a fun way to spend an early foggy morning in the Puget Sound...
Hanging out at the beach with a set of my favorite twins!

Gavin & Sophie are SOOOOO BIIIGGG now!  Blows my mind at how they interact now- it's been a year since I've seen them and they are completely different people now... Sophie has gone from being super shy and clingy to open, sassy-cute  and gregarious.  The girl who hid her face was saying "look at me!"  The girl who didn't want to touch the grass... was running barefoot on the sand picking up slimy seaweed and chasing her brother around with it!

Gavin the G-man is definitely more serious now- and independent- the quiet explorer.

It's almost as though the have swapped roles for a bit.  I had a fabulous time guys!  Always a treat to play with you!
xoox Didi V.

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