Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Perfection in Nature

This summer has been such a whirl-wind of photos and activities! And now it's winding to a close already as school is just around the corner. I took a few minutes before and after Sunday's shoot at the Evergreen Arboretum to just walk and enjoy and listen to the birds sing. And I was struck- once again at how absolutely perfect nature is.... how intricate the leaves and flowers are- how brilliant and varied the colors and textures are......
I figured it would be breath of fresh summer air if I shared some of those images with you. :) Hope you enjoy!

On another note- if you are a garden buff- or have someone on your gift list who is.... I offer hand-made note cards and prints of my nature/floral images, in any size..... (I know- cringe at the thought- 16 weeks to Xmas.....)

Smile- and have a wonderful day!

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