Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fi & the Fam

Sunshine and Seattle....
It's rare- but when these two things collide... it's magic!

Now add a dash of sass and a pinch of adorable and you have the recipe for the perfect day!

I met with Fiona and her folks at Gas Works Park in Seattle for a late day pic-nic.

Her parents wanted to chronicle Fi turning 18 months and it was so fun to chase this VERY busy little girl around...  We had a grand time!
{Her Super Hero name should be "The Blur" because she is super duper fast!!!}

I can't help but run fast forward in my head, thinking about how precious a bird's eye photo session like this will be to these kids that I photograph with their families when they are adults... to see how  adored they are- and who their parents were when they were little..... good stuff.

Thanks for asking me to play guys!
xoxo Didi v.

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