Saturday, December 5, 2009

Catching up- and Catching my breath...

I know, I know-

I don't call- I don't write and worst of all- I haven't been sharing any photos lately! ......And the soundtrack in my head is playing over and over again, what I've been hearing from everyone for weeks now....

"why aren't you posting lately?"

"where have you been?",

and the most popular question- "when will my pix be ready?"

All I can say is- Thank you ALL for your patience- this has been a most amazing and busy season for Big Bertha and me! After working like a demon possessed in nuclear overdrive for the last few weeks in the seated position at a pc for about 16 hours a day (between the day job and editing)........

I can see light at the end of the work tunnel- and I'm certain- it's not a train....(though my ass now resembles my office chairs and my eyes are bloodshot and exhausted). I can say that I am almost totally caught up on every one's photos for the holidays!!!!

And a monster thank you goes out to my family- who- quite frankly, rarely see my face anymore- for the last six months- it's been me and Big Bertha running out the door to shoot pix or the back of my head at my desk- editing- having a close personal relationship with my Adobe products.

My kids have grown up a ton this year and are getting to be such good helpers. And Bid Daddy- is the King- seriously- I could never make a go of this photography thing without his help and support- He cooks, he cleans... (he slices, dices and juliennes quite well) he chauffeurs the kids to their practices while I'm at the day job and helps me shoo the kids to bed so that I can continue to work once I've gotten home from the day job.... So Miles family- I love you more than the moon & the stars.....

In the meantime- I leave you with Matt & Andrea's beautiful family- you're finished guys!

Much Love- Di

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