Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Closet collector....

Vintage jewelry..... yes- it's true- I've had a "thing" for vintage jewelry for as long as I can remember.... I think it all started......30 some years ago......playing dress up when I'd visit my grandmothers... both had what my little girl mind saw as the equivalent of a pirate's treasure chest of tangible jewelry bliss! Surely- my G'ma M & G'ma V must be royalty from lands afar with jewelry boxes full of these sparkly gems!!!!

As I got a little older.....I even huanted auctions, garage and estate sales as a kid and teen- and have acquired some really cool pieces- not that I wear ANY of it now... but it's tucked away- I keep thinking that I'll just clean them out and donate some of them- those that aren't heirloom pieces.... but I can't bring myself to do it- I love them too much! For all their gaudy sequins, faux pearls and rhinestones of every color- or if you are lucky enough- they are rainbow colored..... the Aurora Borealis stones- are my absolute favorites!

So that will be my assignment this week- perhaps tomorrow- to pull out my big old antique jewelry box- and photograph them to share.... it's the least I can do since I don't wear them! Not that any of it would have a dollar value- they are just the 20's, 30's & 40's version of plastic and glass costume jewelry........ but there's just too much elegance involved there to sit in the dark! So Stay tuned- and have a good night!


Miss Vicki said...

Don't think for a minute that these jewels don't have a value! They really bring a pretty price these days....but dont you EVEN think of sending them anywhere other than to ME, because I still love them too, and occassionaly wear them!
Miss V

Didi (Dioncia) Von Bargen-Miles said...

Don't worry mama- my practical side says I should pare down- my sentimental side won't let me. :) Hence why I went to the trouble to drag them out and play with them today. :) xoox D