Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Fine Print of it.....

You know- most of the time- I feel like I'm a pretty quick study... but tonight- in the crush of excitement at the Benefit Auction for Mr. Hodge- I failed to read the fine print- OK- let's face it- I must not have read any of it...... I got coffee indulgence out of the quick glance at the title and first couple of items in the list...... I quickly put my bid down and continued to socialize with staff and friends from school. And as the evening came to a close- I noticed the gi-normous basket I had made a bid on in the silent auction was still there.... so I waited patiently in line- chatting with folks from school to see if I had won my COFFEE basket..... I did- only it was a CHOCOLATE BASKET!!!!! and this is like a small laundry basket- FULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of chocolate everything!!!!!!

OMGosh- might hyperventilate- I'm a choco-holic like no other... but had just this week- sworn to start taking better care of myself and eat better- well- this is certainly better grades of chocolate! :) The SLC department put together a phenomenal basket- I will be stashing it all over my house- if I were to die tomorrow- people would think I have much deeper issues as they pull them out of the linen closets and liqueur cabinets..... haaaahaaaaahaaaaa! (oh- smile- you know it's true!)

There was a great turnout for the auction tonight- the classrooms did an outstanding job of pooling their donated items to create stunning baskets (some of these baskets went for as much as $275 each!!!!) And the Skyline staff who pulled this together should be commended for a great job- it was a smoothly run operation- and it was so fun! I love my neighborhood- our community and school is a tight-knit group- and they pull each other up and help out in times of need.

Here's the man of the hour- Mr. Brad Hodge- our beloved PE teacher at Skyline. He's made miraculous strides in only 5 months!!! We're sure glad to have him back!

The tables were decorated with wonderfully colorful center pieces created by the students

And the donated deserts were wonderful- a little but of everything!

Here, my girls get a piece of the desert action.....

The bidding reached a fever pitch for a while there- all in good fun- I'm anxious to know how much we all raised tonight- it will all go to helping Mr. Hodge cover the massive medical bills and augmentations to his home to make it wheelchair friendly.

Well done Skyline family- well done! :)


Miss Vicki said...

Okay...I'll be RIGHT THERE !!
Just share the chocolate, and no one will get hurt...
hugs, -v

Roxie said...

I heart sweets!